Aaaaand, we’re back! In 5, 4, 3, 2…

I have a day off!!! I’d like to celebrate this day off by reading like, 5 books. Actually, I get almost 2 full days off work, plus another one right after, so 5 is a very realistic goal at this point.

The first one will definitely be The Rapture of the Deep: Being an Account of the Further Adventures of Jacky Faber, Soldier, Sailor, Mermaid, Spy (Bloody Jack, Book 7) by L.A. Meyer. There are a number of absolutes pertaining to this book:

  • I absolutely will give it a 5-star rating, even though I’m only about 50 pages into it so far (I kept thinking through books 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 that this guy couldn’t possibly write the perfect book for me n+1 times in a row, and I was wrong every time, so let’s just end that doubtful equation right here)
  • I absolutely will re-read it on audio, for the series is always read by the ridiculously clever-sounding Katherine Kellgren, on whom I have an audible crush.
  • I absolutely have to finish it before the next time I work with Stephanie, who has a photographic memory, is a lightning-fast reader (no, not kidding, you think I’m fast? She finished Rick Riordan’s The Last Olympian in like, 3 hours–it would take me at least 6), and who has been teasing me that if I don’t hurry up and read, she will spoil the heck out of Rapture for me! Stephanie: “Oh, and that time Higgins did *this*?! Classic! Oh, you didn’t read that part yet? Well, too bad, Slowpoke!”

In fact, to save time, let’s just do this:

Rapture of the Deep by L.A. Meyer

Rapture of the Deep by L.A. Meyer


In preparation for YABC on the 25th, I will be re-reading The Hunger Games and Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. Both were 5-star reads for me, but I definitely need a refresher if we’re going to discuss them. See also: Battle Royale by Koushon Takami. I haven’t read it, but my husband got halfway before he was so thoroughly depressed when the story kept killing off the “main” character and replacing him or her with a new one. He still plans to finish it, and I plan to read it someday but it’s not that high up on my TBR list (which is now a disturbing 1176 books long).

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

I’ll also be reading Retail Hell by Freeman Hall (subtitled How I Sold My Soul to the Store: Confessions of a Tortured Sales Associate). I’ve met Freeman, he’s hilarious and friendly and I know I’m going to love this book too, especially after the retail misery that I just lived through this past week. I’m hoping he’ll also inspire my tell-all bookstore memoir (^_^) just kidding, Borders! I do try to release all of my customer-related frustrations out into the wild so they don’t affect my normally awesome customer service. But sometimes there are those ones you just can’t forget…

My fifth book will be A Certain Slant of Light by Laura Whitcomb. Oh, don’t look at me like that. I’m already halfway through, I just got interrupted by the work shenanigans. And 2 of the 5 books I picked to read are re-reads, so it won’t take me too long to go through them again.

In addition, I’ll be doing some regular posts over the next couple of days. I really fell behind because of the job. I’ve definitely got lots of material for an IMM post, a few bookshelf photos, a Quickie review or two or three, and dare I say, a contest? (*gasp*!)

Some tune-ups due to the blog, too. Man, why do I work so much?



Oh, now I remember.

OMG David Foster Wallace

Infinite Jest

Infinite Jest

I started Infinite Jest today. Only 1061 pages to go!

Also acquired:




Academy 7

Academy 7

and saw the movie for

Inglourious Basterds

Inglourious Basterds

which effin’ rocked. My husband and I ♥ Quentin Tarantino.

Quickie – Home by Marilynne Robinson

Home by Marilynne RobinsonHome by Marilynne Robinson

Home by Marilynne Robinson

5 stars – but I can’t say stay up all night for this one, so I’ll leave off the graphic. Marilynne Robinson won a Pulitzer for Gilead in 2005, and even without having read that book, I can see why. Her prose gives you a different kind of thrill–no vampires, espionage, or earth-shattering romance will you find here. Spiritual scrutiny, check. Childhood innocence, check. Grown-up disappointments, check. This is the story of the prodigal son told in the context of Gilead in ’50s Iowa, in a house that was once a home to eight children: “a place they would mean to return to more than they did.” Home tells a story of family love, betrayal, change, and redemption. I say, don’t stay up all night because you’ll need time to re-examine and digest what you’ve read.

Reading Home made me want to write to my mother, say my prayers, and re-read all those books I was assigned in sophomore English that I was far too young and inexperienced to properly appreciate. More than anything, it made me want to read Gilead. I wouldn’t be surprised if this ended up on future high school and college reading lists for American Lit.

See also:

The Human Comedy

The Human Comedy

A Death in the Family

A Death in the Family

Cold Sassy Tree

Cold Sassy Tree

Quickie – Click by Various Authors

Click by Linda Sue Park, Nick Hornby, Gregory Maguire, et. al.

Click by Linda Sue Park, Nick Hornby, Gregory Maguire, et. al.


Read this for YABC, David’s choice. I’ve always loved the cover.

This was a great little read, short and sweet and to the point. Ten authors tell one story, of George “Gee” Keane, photojournalist, world-traveler, and man of mystery. The stories intertwine around love, insecurity, and change–snapshots of humanity caught on film.

Full review to be posted after YABC’s Sept. 13 meeting.

Quickie – This Is Where I Leave You

This Is Where I Leave You by Jonathan Tropper

This Is Where I Leave You by Jonathan Tropper


Sexy, funny, sad. Definitely worth a read! Judd and the rest of the Foxmans are likable despite their many flaws and screw-ups. And while fists may shake with fury as they hurl bile-slathered curses at each other, you’ll keep rooting for a happy ending.

If you’re not a reader, don’t worry, I’m fairly sure this will be in theaters within the next 5 years.

TV – Being Human/The Guild

I just had to share… watched BBC’s Being Human with the husband tonight and we both agreed, it’s a keeper!

So is this guy:

Aidan Turner in Being Human

Aidan Turner in Being Human

Read Glass Houses (The Morganville Vampires, Book 1) by Rachel Caine in the wee hours this morning, good stuff! I don’t know what this says about me, but I kept imagining Vincent Caso (Bladezz from The Guild) as Shane. Review forthcoming.

Glass Houses (Morganville Vampires, Book 1) by Rachel Caine

Glass Houses (Morganville Vampires, Book 1) by Rachel Caine